Company info
Company Info
AB-Solve Ltd has been created to allow Andy Bain to concentrate on ensuring that the Pipeline Operating Companies are provided with the best possible In-Line Inspection results on which to drive reliable and cost effective Pipeline Integrity Management.

Andy Bain has been serving the Global Pipeline Inspection Industry for the last 20 years.

Andy Bain has a strong Global reputation for Passion for the industry and delivering the highest customer service

He has demonstrated on numerous occasions exemplary customer management of extremely difficult situations and scenarios. Each one delivered to the Pipeline Operators ultimate satisfaction.

ILI Field Supervisor
- UK and European In-field Work
- Original Field Team establishing North American Operational Base for British Gas
ILI Project Manager
- Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific ILI Projects
ILI Vendor Operations Manager
- Managed all Support Services for ILI Operations
ILI Vendor Centre of Excellence for Operations Leader
- Developed and implemented processes for Improved Inspection Tool Reliability
- Instigated Global Standards to improve the in-field inspection service.
ILI Product Development Leader (MFL)
- Led the Development Team delivering new ILI tools that provide multiple techniques from one run and raised the industry standard of accuracy to new levels.