AB-Solve Ltd
Company Info
AB-Solve Ltd has been created to allow Andy Bain to concentrate on ensuring that the Pipeline Operating Companies are provided with the best possible In-Line Inspection results on which to drive reliable and cost effective Pipeline Integrity Management.

Andy Bain has been serving the Global Pipeline Inspection Industry for the last 20 years.

Services we offer

Elevating the effectiveness and efficiency of inspection campaigns through comprehensive evaluations and systematic improvements

Providing independent evaluation and scrutiny of technology research and development projects, ensuring that they meet the performance, time, and cost expectations of pipeline operators.

Driving global industry standards forward by implementing pragmatic, economical, and transparent solutions that support both the needs of pipeline operators and the financial stability of ILI vendors.

Offering due diligence support to investment companies seeking mergers and acquisitions, drawing on my experience and insights to minimize pitfalls and maximize return on investment.

Providing expert crisis management and emergency support, addressing issues such as stuck or lost tools, repetitive reliability problems, and more.